Project permissions

Project permissions define which action a user may perform on a project.

If you have a permission at a certain level, you automatically also have those at the lower levels. So if you have the 'Edit state' permission, you also have the 'Add comments' permission.

There are the following possible Project permissions:

  • General: This permission type has the following 6 levels:
    1. Read: The project can be viewed.
    2. Add comments: Comments can be added to the project page.
    3. Add spendings: Time spendings or expenses can be booked on the project.
    4. Edit state: The project status can be changed (e.g. set to Completed), the progress and the estimated work can be updated.
    5. Write: All properties of the project, such as its name, priority and due date, can be changed
    6. Manage: In addition to the write permission, this permission allows granting of permissions, and deleting.
  • Adding of subprojects
    1. Add a subproject, and get comments permission to it
    2. Add a subproject, and become its manager

Permission on the spendings of all users

It addition, there are also permissions related to the spendings of all users on the particular project.

  1. View statistics: Aggregate data based on data of all users
  2. Read all spendings: All individual spendings of all users can be viewed
  3. Write all spendings: All individual spendings of all users can be edited

To grant these spendings related permissions, you must have, in addition to the Manage permission, the permission to grant these spending permissions, defined in the System part permissions.

Typical scenarios

The person to which a project is assigned is given the Edit state permission. Any additional coworkers are given the Add spendings permission. Optionally, the Add a subproject permission could be given, to allow the users to organize their work in subprojects. The project manager is given Manage permission.

Someone who is only allowed to view statistics, is given the Read permission, combined with the Read all spendings permission.

Other people who need to know about the project are given the Read permission, or the Add comments permission if their input is appreciated.